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Zack Smith - Candidate for Canyon ISD Board of Trustees, Place 3

Zack Smith

Challenger for Canyon ISD Board of Trustees, Place 3

Smith/Screenshot from Campaign Video

Smith/Screenshot from Campaign Video

Question: What is your age?

Answer: 31

Q: What is your educational background?

A: Bachelor of Science in Agriculture WTAMU

Q: What is your occupation?

A: Sales Manager - Rabern

Q: If you are a business owner, please list the business or businesses that you own.

A: N/A

Q: Please list any civic boards or commissions (non-profit, government, union, political, etc.) on which you have served as a board member or equivalent.

A: Emi's Colorful Future Foundation, Hereford Lions Club, Deaf Smith Chamber of Commerce, Amarillo Chamber of Commerce Top 20 under 40, Red River Authority of Texas

Q: If your campaign has any online campaign resources where voters can learn more about you, such as social media accounts or a website, please list them below.

A: Facebook Page - Zack Smith For Canyon ISD Board of Trustees Seat #3

Q: Why did you decide to run for this office in 2021?

A: Due to the opportunities afforded to me by my work and other activities, I am able to visit with many business owners on a regular basis. Though their stories may be different, their message is the same: we need more quality help. I envision that help coming from CISD students. Randall County records indicate that 30% of adults have a 4-year degree or higher, while CISD records reflect that only 23.5% of eligible students are involved in a Career and Technology Education, program preparing them in a small way to become contributors to the community without attending college. Place #3 of the CISD Board of Trustees has been filled by the same candidate for 16 years. I believe it is time for a fresh set of eyes, a new perspective, and someone with a vested interest in CISD to come join the conversation and be the voice for the tax payer. I would like for you to allow me the opportunity to display my passion for this community and our future by voting for Zack Smith CISD Board of Trustees Place #3 on May 1st, 2021.

Q: If elected, what will be your top three priorities in office?

A: If elected, my top three priorities in office will be: initiating, fundraising for, and growing Career and Technology Education programs, removing the teaching of Sex Education from the classroom and putting it back into the hands of parents, and supporting administration, teachers, and support staff of CISD in building a safe and effective learning environment for our students.

Q: In what cases would you support efforts to raise property taxes? Please explain.

A: I would be in support of raising property taxes anytime that it is beneficial to the students of CISD and the community. I am 100% for the students of CISD and getting them the tools they need to succeed. As administrators, teachers, parents, churches, and business owners, we only have 13 years to work together to mold excellent young leaders. My hope is that they stay in the area to grow our community for the next generation. If this means proposing a rise in property taxes, I see no problem in addressing the tax payers for this purpose. None of my priorities require raised taxes for "fluff" or needless endeavors. I see this as a small price to pay so that our future remains intact in this area for many many generations to come. If we invest in the right manner for these kids now, they will provide return on investment as young adults in our community ten-fold.

Q: What is an issue you believe has gone overlooked in your race and how will you address it if elected?

A: I believe there is a misconception in regard to a board member's responsibilities. If elected, I will focus on supporting students first and foremost, providing staff members with the tools they need to promote student success, and keeping the interest of the tax payer in mind as well. Foresight and support is the name of this game. This includes hiring great leadership, supporting them in the best interest of the students, and holding all accountable to the highest of standards that each CISD student deserves. It is not a board member's responsibility to oversee construction projects or events happening in the district. A bond was purposed in 2018 to the board by district administrators, the board approved a final draft of said proposal, and from there sent it out to the taxpayers to vote on. Having passed, the growth of the district, based on that plan, is the responsibility of Dr. Flusche and his administration. In my opinion, board members need to be looking ahead toward the next best move for the students of this great district, not finishing up bonds from 2018.

Q: Why are you the best candidate for voters to support for this position?

A: I feel that I am the best candidate to earn your support for many reasons. I grew up surrounded by a family full of educators and administrators in a public school. I went to WT to become an ag teacher and worked at CISD during that time to look deeper into that profession before graduation. I have a young family that will add to the dynamic of CISD for years to come. I have been in and around this community, helping build it into what it has become for almost the past 10 years. This has resulted in positive relationships with business owners who have expressed multiple times that they need great employees out of high school to grow their businesses. I have a proven record of putting my entire attention and effort into projects in which I am involved, always focusing on the end goal and achieving that goal with the help of others on a team or board. I have a unique way of looking at things and I am rarely satisfied or complacent. Once a goal is achieved, I immediately look to do more for the greater cause. I am young, full of energy, have a unique mindset for my age, and will always do what is right for the students of CISD. I do not feel that it is in anyone's best interest for one individual to stay on the Board of Trustees for 20+ years. For this reason, it is important to me that CISD builds up the next generation of excellent young adults to take ownership in this community. We need individuals to whom we can pass on these leadership roles, allowing for a new set of eyes and a fresh mind full of helpful ideas take the position. Please follow Zack Smith for Canyon ISD Board Of Trustees Seat #3 and allow me the opportunity to expand on many of these reasons in greater detail.

Randy Darnell - Canyon ISD Board of Trustees, Place 3

Bill Jenkins - Canyon ISD Board of Trustees, Place 4