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Jenni Winegarner - Canyon ISD Board of Trustees, Place 6

Jenni Winegarner

Incumbent Candidate for Canyon ISD Board of Trustees, Place 6

Winegarner/Photo by CISD

Winegarner/Photo by CISD

Question: What is your age?

Answer: 39

Q: What is your educational background?

A: I am a product of public school, attending from kindergarten on. I attended the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and graduated with a BA in Political Science.

Q: What is your occupation?

A: Vice President of Operations for the Superior Land Network - an Amarillo-based farm and ranch real estate marketing company.

Q: If you are a business owner, please list the business or businesses that you own.

A: My family and I own and operate a small cattle business, raising registered Angus seedstock.

Q: Please list any civic boards or commissions (non-profit, government, union, political, etc.) on which you have served as a board member or equivalent.

A: Current Canyon ISD Trustee, Place 6 since January 2019. Past president and current member of the Board of Directors of the Amarillo Republican Women. Current member of the Board of Directors for Family Support Services. Board Member on the Education Foundation of Canyon ISD.

Q: If your campaign has any online campaign resources where voters can learn more about you, such as social media accounts or a website, please list them below.


Q: Why did you decide to run for this office in 2021?

A: I am a firm believer that service to our community is not simply a freedom we have but a responsibility on which each of us must act. Canyon ISD has been blessed by the selfless service of many leaders, past and present, who have cultivated a learning environment for our students that pushes them to experience new things, exposes them to an array of opportunities, and equips them with the tools they need to succeed, today and down the road.

These things do not happen by accident or by decree from state legislators or federal education policies – they happen because forward-thinking decisions are made at the local level, and I am confident that my previous experiences professionally and my personal experiences as a wife, a mother of two elementary school students, and a full-time member of our local work force enable me to make a positive impact as policies for our District are crafted and to be ever mindful or our greater responsibility to the community.

When I first made the decision in December 2018 to throw my hat in the ring to serve CISD, I wrestled with the idea - my biggest question was “Am I too busy? Is there enough of me to go around?” Ultimately, my decision was made as I talked about the choices we make with my young children. As my husband and I continue teaching them about priorities and focusing our time and talent on the things that matter, I was hit by my own reminder to them that we make time for what is important. At this time in my life, not only is it important to continue instilling in my own children the importance of service, but to do so by example, and to take responsibility for their education and our own community. I can think of no greater way to do each of these things than serving on the CISD Board.

Strong communities start with strong schools, and I believe we must always work to craft policies and direction for our District with the recognition that strong schools happen one student at a time. And service on the CISD Board is a commitment to do all we can for the more than 10,000 students who are entrusted to us each day, to their families, and to the Amarillo-Canyon community.

Our District will continue to grow in size and diversity, and for me, the central priority of our schools must always be ensuring that we meet the needs of and provide opportunities to succeed to each and every student.

Q: If elected, what will be your top three priorities in office?

A: Last school year and the one we’re currently mid-way through have thrown challenges at our students, our families, our schools, and our community that none of us could have possibly imagined. I have seen teachers, administrators, students, and their families rise to the challenge every time. Nonetheless, there is no substitute for students in seats in their classrooms – an opportunity they were robbed of for too much of the 2020-21 school year. I continue to be concerned that we must do all we can do to fill the gap that this created. Whether it’s a first grader or a senior in high school, it is our job as trustees to give our kids every opportunity they have to grow and thrive and be prepared for what lies ahead, and I am committed to giving our educators the support they need to continue growing each and every one of our students.

Growth within the CISD boundaries isn’t coming -- it’s here. Estimates are that somewhere around 60% of the population growth anticipated in Amarillo over the next 10 years is expected to occur in Canyon ISD. This reality is part of why I chose, long before I contemplated a run for the CISD Board, to engage with the citizens committee that worked for a year in advance of the 2018 CISD Bond to look at the growth trends, solicit community input, and help prioritize the needs for our District to aid them in making the most fiscally responsible bond proposal possible. An incredible amount of work has been completed that was set into motion with the passage of this bond package that is anticipated to prepare our District for the next 10 years, but there is much still yet to be done. I am committed to providing the accountability for our District to ensure that we keep up our promise to responsibly steward our community resources and to do everything we can to keep our tax rates as low as possible while providing our students a safe environment to learn.

A number of years ago, we saw far too many school systems turn away from technical programs and push all students to pursue a college career. Thankfully, we have seen that trend shift over the last decade, and I couldn’t be prouder of the Career, College, and Military Readiness opportunities provided by CISD. From plumbing and construction, to engineering, computer programing, healthcare, culinary arts, cosmetology, and agricultural training, CISD has proven a commitment to partnering with employers in our community to prepare our kids for a variety of future paths. If reelected, I want to continue this important work, pursing new opportunities for our students to obtain the education, training, and certifications that prepare them to earn a living wage and contribute to our community from the day they leave our campuses.

Q: In what cases would you support efforts to raise property taxes? Please explain.

A: The mission of Canyon ISD is to educate students and empower them for lifelong success. As a trustee, it is not only my responsibility to ensure we are fulfilling this mission but to be a responsible steward of our resources. Property tax raises should only be considered and brought to voters with full information detailing the needs – whether they be outpacing existing classroom space, safety concerns, or addressing the infrastructure needs of a growing community. And when at all possible, as a trustee, I believe it is our job to ensure that those temporary rate increases are reversed at every opportunity possible.

Q: What is an issue you believe has gone overlooked in your race and how will you address it if elected?

A: While not specific to this race, I think one thing that does not get enough attention in a typical school board election is the need to engage our community and the families of our students more in the education we provide. If elected, I will work to find more opportunities to bring people from our community together to provide input on the direction of our District and to increase teacher engagement with the families we serve.

Q: Why are you the best candidate for voters to support for this position?

A: While I'd like to simply say, “please see above”, my family tells me that’s unwise. I absolutely believe that I am the best candidate to serve on Place 6 of the Canyon ISD Board of Trustees because of the perspective I bring to the table, the experience I have gained as a full-time working parent of two CISD students for the last six years, my commitment to our students and my eagerness to pursue innovative ideas, even if they’re altogether new. I serve CISD not because I have an aspiration to hold an office or because I want to get a platform to share my own views. I serve because if good people don’t step up with a commitment to push, to challenge, and to grow our District, then we have no one to blame but ourselves when we don’t reach new heights.

Matt Parker - Canyon ISD Board of Trustees, Place 5

Vance Snider - Candidate for Canyon ISD Board of Trustees, Place 6