"A Billion Lives," a documentary aimed at detailing the true story of vaping, premiered last night at the UA Amarillo Star theater, to a packed crowd.
"A Billion Lives" is a documentary, directed by Aaron Biebart, which chronicles the journey of e-cigarettes and vaping, and explains corruption against the market. The documentary, sponsored through Tugg, was brought to Amarillo by Lucky Ruckus Vape Shop owner, Frank Blankenship.
Blankenship told the crowd about vaping and explained what the film would lay out in its 95 minute journey. Also, before the show, local attorney Jeff Blackburn spoke about vaping, and detailed why he believes that vaping is under attack from government officials and pharmaceutical companies.
The film debuted to a large audience, which gave the film applause at the end of its run. According to Blankenship, this is the first debut of the film in Amarillo, Texas. Blankenship tells The Amarillo Pioneer that he attended the North American premiere of the film, and was determined to bring it to Amarillo.
The film has been very popular with audiences, worldwide. On the film information site Internet Movie Database, "A Billion Lives" currently holds an almost perfect score, of a 9.6 out of 10 stars ranking.
More information about the film can be found through abillionlives.com.