The Amarillo Pioneer

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Cruz Misses AG Spot

Senator Ted Cruz will not be serving as the next United States Attorney General.

Cruz, who has been speculated as a potential nominee for the seat, was not selected in President-elect Donald J. Trump's announcement, on Friday. Trump chose Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions to serve, as the next Attorney General. Session's appointment now must to be confirmed by the United States Senate.

In a press release, Cruz praised the decision by Trump to appoint Sessions.

“Sen. Jeff Sessions’ nomination as attorney general is great news for all of us who revere the Constitution and the rule of law." Cruz wrote. "I have been honored to work with Sen. Sessions on many of our nation’s most important issues over the last four years. Sen. Sessions has had an extraordinary career in government and law enforcement. He has been an exemplary senator for the state of Alabama, and I am confident that he will be an exceptional United States attorney general.”

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