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Report: Cruz Considered for U.S. Attorney General

U.S. Senator Ted Cruz is being considered for the role of United States Attorney General, according to a report from Bloomberg.

Cruz, a U.S. Senator from Texas, was one of Republican President-elect Donald Trump's chief rivals for the Republican nomination for President. Cruz and Trump had multiple bitter fights, which ended with Cruz not endorsing Trump at the Republican National Convention, in July. Cruz later endorsed Trump.

Cruz was seen visiting Trump Tower in New York City, yesterday, which has sparked much debate about whether Cruz is being considered for the role of Attorney General in Trump's administration. Bloomberg is now reporting that Cruz is being considered for the role of Attorney General. If chosen, Cruz would succeed Loretta Lynch.

A lawyer, Cruz served as Texas Solicitor General, from 2003 to 2008. Cruz also served in private practice, and was a domestic policy advisor to President George W. Bush's 2000 campaign.

As Texas Solicitor General, Cruz was named one of the "50 Best Litigators Under 45 in America" by the American Lawyer magazine. Cruz has since served as the junior United States Senator from Texas, from January of 2013.

Cruz has also been called a potential replacement for Justice Antonin Scalia's seat on the United States Supreme Court.

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