The Amarillo Pioneer

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Rusty Tomlinson to Seek Council Seat

Rusty Tomlinson has announced his intention to seek a spot on the Amarillo City Council.

Tomlinson announced his intention, last night, to run for Amarillo City Council Place 3. Place 3 is currently held by Councilmember Randy Burkett, who has not yet declared his intention regarding the upcoming election.

Tomlinson has previously been a candidate for U.S. Senate and for U.S. Congress. Tomlinson was the Green Party candidate for U.S. Senate, in 2006, but failed to gain enough signatures to appear on the ballot. Tomlinson was also the Green Party nominee, in 2016, against incumbent Congressman Mac Thornberry. Tomlinson grossed 7,467 votes or about 3.4 percent.

If filed, Tomlinson would currently be facing Dr. Eddy Sauer for the seat. Interested candidates can apply until Friday.

Miller Sworn In for City Manager Role

Council to Interview Candidates Vying for AEDC Role