The Amarillo Pioneer

Amarillo's only free online newspaper. Established in 2016, we work to bring you local news that is unbiased and honest.


Letter to the Editor: Randy Burkett Would Stand Up to Washington

I read a letter written to the Amarillo Pioneer last week and had to agree. I like (former City Councilman) Randy Burkett but I am also a former supporter for Congressman Mac Thornberry. This is why I believe that Randy Burkett should run against Mac Thornberry.

Mac never had a real challenge in all the years he has been in Washington. I supported Mac against all of his opponents but I think Randy Burkett is the right guy to face Mac. Maybe Randy Burkett could get Mac thinking about the district again and not just about pleasing his party. Or better yet, maybe Randy Burkett could retire Mac Thornberry. 

I have been very disappointed with Mac this year and I think it is time for a new guy to take charge. I want somebody who will stand up to Washington D.C. and even to President Trump when he knows what is right. Like him or not, Randy Burkett is that guy.

-Tom Harrison

Amarillo Ranks Among Top 50 Cities for Best Drivers in the U.S.

Letter to the Editor: Harpole 2018