The Amarillo Pioneer

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WTAMU Professor Bowman Wins Book Award

A West Texas A&M University professor has been awarded a prestigious book award for his latest book.

WTAMU announced today that Professor Timothy Bowman has been awarded the Américo Paredes Book Award for 2017 from the Center for Mexican American Studies for his book Blood Oranges: Colonialism and Agriculture in the South Texas Borderlands. The award will be given in October during the Center's Hispanic Heritage Month Lecture Series.

According to WTAMU, Blood Oranges "traces the cultural and economic transformation of the South Texas Borderland." Bowman's book "explores the circumstances surrounding the marginalization of ethnic Mexicans inside the U.S.-Mexico border."

Bowman's book has also received the Jim Parish Award presented by the Webb County Heritage Society for outstanding original research in regional history.

For more information, please visit West Texas A&M University's website.

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