The Amarillo Pioneer

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Amarillo Matters Website Taken Down Ahead of 2018 Elections

Ahead of the 2018 elections for county and legislative offices, local political action committee Amarillo Matters has shutdown its online presence, with its website going dark., the website of the political action committee, says that it is disconnected when its address is searched for online. The website was used extensively earlier this year when the committee issued its endorsements and financial support of the five candidates who eventually won seats on the Amarillo City Council.

During the City Council elections, many complained about the committee's involvement in the election and its ties to local political insiders such as Joe Bob McCartt and Alan Rhodes.

Ahead of the City elections earlier this year, spokespersons for the PAC said that it would not be involved in the City Council elections and was, instead, raising money to help re-elect Senator Kel Seliger and to lobby for a Texas Tech vet school in Amarillo.

Seliger announced his bid for re-election yesterday and the committee has not stated an endorsement as Seliger is facing restaurant owner Victor Leal and Midland mayor Mike Canon in the March Republican primary race. 

According to reports filed with the Texas Ethics Commission, the committee spent over half of its $255,000 budget helping to elected five members of the City Council and three members of the Amarillo College board in 2017. It is not clear if the committee still intends to support Seliger or any other candidates, or to what extent the committee would support the candidates.

The committee's Facebook page is still active as of this morning, posting information about the breakfast event to be held by Mayor Ginger Nelson.

Update: Steve Pair, a spokesperson for the PAC, said that the committee's website has been taken down for maintenance purposes.

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