The Christ Church Camp of New Beginnings has announced that it will disband its current camp.
In an exclusive statement released to the Amarillo Pioneer, officials from the Christ Church Camp of New Beginnings say that they plan to close down their current camp. Representatives for Christ Church Camp say that the move is in the "best interest" of the tenants of the camp. Representatives also say they hope the move will stop any harassment by City of Amarillo officials.
However, while the camp is closing, representatives for the Christ Church Camp intended to make it clear that they are not conceding their fight against the City of Amarillo's ordinances relating to the homeless in Amarillo. The group also says that it will continue to seek a sustaining and long-lasting solution for those affected in Amarillo.
For more information about the Christ Church Camp of New Beginnings, please visit
"In light of the city's insistence of shutting down and criminalizing Christ Church Camp residents and those who serve them, the unfortunate and very difficult decision to disband our current camp has been made. This decision was made with the best interest of the campers in hopes of avoiding further harassment by city officials and others in opposition who have made a point of dragging them down. This means our residents, for the time being, will be left to their own ingenuity in finding places to shelter themselves in the city, as close as possible to their needed resources, without facing citations. This in no way means that CCC or our ardent supporters are conceding to the city's outdated and inhumane policies. Rather we shall continue to campaign determinedly for the rights of our friends and neighbors to exist in our city without fear of criminalization. I am overwhelmed by and incredibly thankful for the support shown to myself and Christ Church Camp of New Beginnings. Please understand the many variables that have gone into making this decision. We have not lost faith that a sustainable and successful solution can be attained if all parties would come to the table for a true dialogue. We will not stop until that solution is found, no matter how long it takes. Because homelessness is not going away and our neighbors will no longer be made to remain in the shadows.
Amanda's Ark will land again."
-Christ Church Camp of New Beginnings
Photo by Christ Church Camp of New Beginnings