The Amarillo Pioneer

Amarillo's only free online newspaper. Established in 2016, we work to bring you local news that is unbiased and honest.


Hooper to Join City as New Assistant Public Works Director

Donny Hooper is coming to the City of Amarillo.

According to City officials, city manager Jared Miller announced this week that Donny Hooper will serve as the new assistant director of public works for the City of Amarillo. Hooper will join the City of Amarillo, ending his tenure as director of public works for the City of Pampa. Hooper has also served as public information officer for the City of Pampa.

Hooper holds a public manager certification from Arizona State University and also holds other emergency communications credits. Additionally, Hooper serves on the Texas Emergency Management Assistance Team, which was recently deployed to assist public work assets during Hurricane Harvey.

For information on Hooper, please visit

Photo by City of Amarillo

Photo by City of Amarillo

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