The Amarillo Pioneer

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Five Vie to Fill GOP Nomination Spot in Lubbock Judge Race

Lubbock Republican Party officials have received five applications to fill a vacant nomination for the November election.

According to the Lubbock Avalanche-Journal, Lubbock Republican officials are considering five names to replace former Lubbock City Councilman David Nelson in the race for Lubbock County Court at Law #3. Republican officials were required to fill the nomination following the death of Nelson last month.

Those who filed applications for the seat include: Phillip Hays, Ann-Marie Carruth, Bradley Pettiet, John Grace and Nicholas Pena. All five candidates will be considered and the county party will choose a replacement on Monday, August 6th.

Churchman: Colony Collapse Disorder and the Ingenuity of the Free Market

Officers Shoot Suspect in Hereford