Lubbock County Republicans selected an area justice of the peace to be their nominee for County Court at Law #3 this week.
On Monday, the Lubbock County Republican Executive Committee voted to nominate Ann-Marie Carruth for County Court at Law #3. Judge Carruth, who currently serves as a justice of the peace for Lubbock's fourth district, will replace J. David Nelson on the ballot. Nelson was nominated in March to serve as the party's nominee for the seat, but his death in July vacated the spot.
As the party's new nominee, Carruth will likely not face an opponent in November and will likely win the seat unopposed.
Carruth was the Republican Party's nominee for re-election to her seat, which means Republicans will now be tasked with repeating the replacement process to choose a new nominee for the seat currently held by the justice of the peace, Fox 34 reports.
Ann-Marie Carruth
Photo by Lubbock County