The Amarillo Pioneer

Amarillo's only free online newspaper. Established in 2016, we work to bring you local news that is unbiased and honest.


Potter County Commission Votes to Increase Property Taxes

Potter County taxes are officially going up.

This week, the Potter County Commission voted unanimously to approve a tax increase for the upcoming fiscal year. Commissioners voted 5-0 to approve a tax rate of $0.68500 per $100 valuation for the upcoming fiscal year. This will be an increase from the current tax rate of $0.670000.

Commissioners voted unanimously for this year’s tax increase after splitting on a tax increase last year. Commissioners voted 3-2 in 2017 to approve a 4.51 percent tax increase. Commissioners Mercy Murguia and H.R. Kelly voted against the 2017 tax increase, with Judge Nancy Tanner and Commissioners Leon Church and Alphonso Vaughn voting in favor.

Amarillo ISD Board to Address West Retirement Next Week

Amarillo College to Host Free Coding Seminar to High School Teachers