Canyon City Commissioners will consider voting next week to approve increases in tax rates and service fees for the upcoming fiscal year.
On Monday, September 10th, City Commissioners will consider voting to set the new property tax rate for the upcoming fiscal year in Canyon. Under the proposed rate, residents can expect to pay about 1.5 percent more in property taxes through an effective tax increase, meaning on an average property valuation of $149,600, residents will pay about $11 more per year in taxes.
Also, on Monday night, Commissioners will consider approving an increase in a variety of service fees. Water service rates, sewer service rates and trash disposal rates will all be increased 5 percent, if Commissioners opt to adopt the proposed increased during the meeting.
All rate and tax increases will be considered, as Commissioners are expect to adopt a $20.5 million operating budget during the same meeting.
The Canyon City Commission will meet on Monday, September 10th at 5:30pm, in the Commission Chambers of Canyon City Hall (301 16th Street, Canyon).
City of Canyon Commissioners