The Amarillo Pioneer

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South: Dennis Bonnen and the Progressive Session

By Danny South

If you follow the quagmire known as “politics” & consider yourself a Conservative in the great state of Texas, this past Legislative Session was one of, if not THE most embarrassing examples of a Progressive RINO Leadership our state has ever seen.

How did “we” allow this to happen? Let’s review a little history. Just when we thought we could not have had a worst Speaker in the history of the state from the former Joe Straus, our House Leadership opted to have a “Hold My Beer” moment and wahlah! Dennis Bonnen steps to the plate.

EVERY SINGLE Conservative agenda driven initiative was stopped in its tracks this past Session. From Open Carry, Pro Life, Tax Reform to the latest debacle of not having the courage to remove a Democratic House member found with cocaine from office.

Speaker Bonnen referred the “Heartbeat Bill” to the Committee on Public Health. The Bill was dead, never to be heard of again during the Session.

The proven LIES from Speaker Bonnen on the so-called “threats” from Chris McNutt was yet another example of lack of credibility…and integrity.

How about yet the further lies from Bonnen’s quid-pro-quo on Empower Texans Michael Quinn Sullivan? This actually proved to be the end of his pathetic political career in Texas.

Speaker Bonnen has decided to “not seek reelection”, for obvious reasons. That said, this man has accomplished one thing…and he can proudly carry the moniker as the WORST Speaker in the history of the state. At least, to date? With Speaker Bonnen’s Leadership, it is no wonder the “Turn Texas Blue” initiative is gaining ground.

That said, I wonder why our own elected Representatives STILL support this man?

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Publisher: A Collection of Random Thoughts