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Quinnipiac: Three Democrats 'Tie' Trump in Texas Polling

A new poll from Quinnipiac University has Republican President Donald Trump in a statistical tie with three Democrats in Texas.

The new poll shows that with a little less than a year to go before the kick off of the Democratic primary season, Trump is facing a closer than expected hypothetical race with three Democrats. Former Vice President Joe Biden and former congressman Beto O’Rourke both trail Trump by one point in hypothetical polling, 47 percent to 46 percent. Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders also trails Trump narrowly in the poll, 47 percent to 45 percent.

While Biden, Sanders, and O’Rourke were all within the three point margin of error for the poll, Trump defeated Secretary Julian Castro and Senators Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren in hypothetical polling in the state, each by no less than five points.

Texas Democrats took the news of the poll as a rallying cry, issuing a statement showing excitement about the poll numbers.

“It’s clear, Texas is the biggest battleground state and the focal point of the Democratic offensive strategy,” state party chairman Gilberto Hinojosa said. “Donald Trump is virtually tied with multiple Democrats in Texas. It’s a dead heat.”

For information on the poll, visit this link.

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