The Amarillo Pioneer

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Texas Congressman Pulls Support from Castro

U.S. Rep. Vicente Gonzalez (D-McAllen) pulled his support from former HUD Secretary Julian Castro this week, changing his support to former Vice President Joe Biden.

This week, Gonzalez announced his support for Biden after previously endorsing and supporting the presidential bid of Castro, a former San Antonio mayor who is one of two Texans seeking the Democratic presidential nomination. Gonzalez cited the most recent presidential debate as his reason for switching support to Biden, saying the former Obama Vice President showed “statesmanship and leadership.” However, Gonzalez also told CNN that he decided to change his support to better unify the party.

“If you’re polling in the low single digits and you’re not raising any resources and you’re fracturing your party and you’re just getting your supporters to be upset at other candidates, it certainly can’t be a good thing for our party," Gonzalez said.

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