The Amarillo Pioneer

Amarillo's only free online newspaper. Established in 2016, we work to bring you local news that is unbiased and honest.


Publisher: Be Happy



By Tom Warren II, Publisher

At this time of year, I often like to reflect and count my blessings. My wife says that I am a perpetual optimist and that I am happy all of the time anyway. But at this time of year, it all really hits home.

I am thankful most of all for God and my family. Without them, I would be lost. I am also thankful for my community, country, and freedom. Even though everything might not be perfect on every front, the truth is that we still all have our basic freedoms guaranteed to us by the United States Constitution. Each and every one of us can be thankful and optimistic, while doing our due diligence to maintain those freedoms. We can't assume that our freedoms will be there forever. We each must do our part to ensure that our freedoms will never be compromised. Maintenance is a key issue with everything, whether it is dealing with relationships, property, or freedom. Everyone needs to put forth maximum effort in every area of life. If you are unsure of anything, be proactive and become involved.

The most important thing though is to be happy. And to appreciate everything around you, no matter how large or how small, is a great place to start.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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