Snider/Photo by Campaign
By Vance Snider, Republican for U.S. House of Representatives, District 13
Like most people in our district and across the United States, I grew tired of the same people getting elected into office who have been politically connected for years. Over and over we continue to see our government ran by people who never worked in the real world among the hard-working American’s who built this country. We see these people who have been pencil pushers with soft handshakes try and relate to the working class, yet they have never lived like us or turned a wrench in their life.
This is where I drew the line. I stepped up and out of my private life to run for this office and represent every voice across the 13th Congressional District of Texas. People ask me what qualifies me to run for this office and here is my answer. When Thomas Paine created one of the founding documents called ‘Common Sense’, it was believed that the people should elect a like-minded individual to represent a large group of people. The purpose of electing this individual was to either vote for or against independence from Britain. I believe I am that like-minded individual to represent every voice in TX-13. I am a blue-collar worker. My hands are rough, my boots are duty, and I am not career politician groomed for this office.
I have traveled to all 41 counties in our district and spoke with many constituents. I am here to talk about real issues and problems we are facing in our district. Veteran healthcare in the rural areas continues to be a growing concern along with unfunded mandates and abandoned government projects for a fresh water source. I do not try and pander to constituents with what they want to hear in their area of the district to gain their vote and say something completely different in another part of the district. I speak the truth and admit when I am wrong or uneducated on the subject. I am not here to blow smoke. I am here to listen to you, the voices of District 13, and execute the task in which you provide me.
When heading to the polls this election cycle, I wish you the best of luck voting for the candidate that best represents you and your values.