The Amarillo Pioneer

Amarillo's only free online newspaper. Established in 2016, we work to bring you local news that is unbiased and honest.


Jackson Leads Winegarner in New CD13 Poll

Jackson and President Trump/Photo by Campaign

Jackson and President Trump/Photo by Campaign

A brand new poll has former Physician to the President Ronny Jackson ahead of Josh Winegarner in the Republican runoff for U.S. House District 13 with less than a week to go until early voting begins.

According to the poll from Club for Growth, Jackson is up by 8 points over Winegarner with less than a week to go before early voting, leading 49 percent to 41 percent. The poll marks a major turnaround for Jackson who was trailing Winegarner by 11 points, 36-47 percent, in April, according to the polling data.

The poll was conducted from June 17-18 and surveyed 408 voters in the 13th District. The margin of error on the poll is +/-4.9%.

Wastewater Collection Facility Spill Contained

Editorial: Reflecting on Four Years of Pioneering