The date of December 18, 2020 is currently on the table as a sunset date for one local board. That will be a point of discussion during the Environmental Task Force’s meeting this week.
On Thursday, the Environmental Task Force will meet to discuss a number of ongoing projects and programs, including discussions on water conservation and composting. One of the biggest items on the agenda is the sunset date of December 18, 2020, which would effectively dissolve the board unless it is renewed by the Amarillo City Council.
Local citizens were introduced to the Environmental Task Force when it was first formed by the Amarillo City Council in 2016, which was led by then-Mayor Paul Harpole. According to news reports at the time, the board’s top Council advocate was then-City Councilman Mark Nair, who pushed for creation of the Environmental Task Force.
As of the most recently available meeting minutes for the board, for a meeting held on July 30, 2020, the Task Force’s membership consisted of Tim Dillon, Roger Gloe, Michael Graham, David Moody, Adam Schaer, Howard Smith, and Ryan Zimmer.
For citizens interested in hearing the discussion at the next meeting, they can tune in for the livestream of the meeting, as it will not be held in-person due to COVID-19 social distancing guidelines. The meeting will begin at 12pm on Thursday, September 24. For information on how to watch the meeting, visit