Huffines/Photo by Campaign
The following Letter to the Editor was written by Wesley Clay Stevens.
Those who say there is no border crisis are either willfully ignorant or purposefully lying. The Texas border has been invaded by over 14,000 illegal migrants who have crossed the Rio Grande River at the Del Rio port of entry, some of which attacked border patrol agents. This does not include the hundreds of illegal immigrants who have already poured into our state with no medical observation and little to no identification verification, posing serious risk to Texas citizens, public safety officers and increasing tax payer burden.
Securing Texas ports of entry is vastly important! Not knowing who is entering our nation and for what purpose poses and immediate threat to the security of Texas residence and American citizens. We require our elected officials to take an oath to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States and of this State because there are enemies both foreign and domestic that would destroy our freedom and way of life as we know it.
The onslaught of illegals at our southern border should be a wakeup call to every Texan and every American. Our border can be easily invaded and it is important to have a courageous and bold Governor who will get things done. Gubernatorial candidate Don Huffines has an actual plan that will secure the Texas border, and he will not ask the federal government for permission to do it.
Huffines, a former State Senator from Dallas, has been a true conservative and faithful patriot since he stepped foot in Austin in 2015. He never took a penny from the taxpayers, forgoing his salary and benefits, and consistently authored and fought for Republican legislative priorities. Huffines is a statesman who will put Texas and Texans first.
This upcoming Republican Primary, Texans have the opportunity to elect a representative of the people who will secure our ports of entry, who worked to support small businesses, remove red tape, and limit government bureaucracy while he was in the Texas Senate, and a proven conservative who will put Texas and Texans first!
Now more than ever, Texans need a true leader. Don Huffines is a formidable challenger, a true statesman, and the next Governor that Texas needs.