FROM LEFT: Jason Tillery (Campaign), Hobert Brown (Campaign), Cole Stanley (Campaign)
By Amarillo Pioneer Publisher's Committee
In the race for Amarillo City Council, Place 1, voters will be given perhaps the most difficult choice of any contest on the ballot. Three good, qualified candidates will be on the ballot, each of whom has an immense passion for our city. It is clear that any of the three candidates running in this race would be good elected officials for our community, and this is one of those cases where cumulative voting may have come in handy to allow all three men to serve residents on the City Council.
For 2021, however, there can only be one person elected. And our Publisher’s Committee has selected Hobert “Gunny” Brown to receive our endorsement this year.
Brown’s role in the successful take down of Propositions A and B in the November 3 election set him apart from the field in this contest. His willingness to be outspoken against higher taxes and less accountability in government is promising, as whoever occupies this seat will be faced with the City of Amarillo’s financial issues as a result of the ongoing pandemic. Additionally, Brown’s experience in combat as a member of the United States Marine Corps and his receipt of the Purple Heart should send a clear signal about his dedication to service before self.
It has been made clear throughout this campaign that Brown will be a responsible steward of the taxpayers’ money and resources, based on his track record, and should be the ideal choice for voters looking for a new voice on the City Council.
Brown’s two opponents — Jason Tillery and Cole Stanley — are also both smart, qualified men who would do well as public servants in Amarillo. And it should be hoped that from this field, whoever is unable to claim victory will seek other opportunities to serve taxpayers, whether that be through appointed seats or other elected positions.
At the end of the day, however, we believe Brown has set himself apart from the field enough to receive our Publisher’s Committee’s endorsement for 2021.
We recommend Hobert “Gunny” Brown for Amarillo City Council, Place 1.
Early voting runs April 19-27. Election Day is May 1.