The Amarillo Pioneer

Amarillo's only free online newspaper. Established in 2016, we work to bring you local news that is unbiased and honest.


Amarillo Pioneer Endorsement Recap for May 24 GOP Runoff Elections

By Amarillo Pioneer Publisher’s Committee

For the upcoming May 24 Republican primary runoff election, our publisher’s committee has issued endorsements for several candidates who we believe will be strong advocates for local taxpayers, responsible stewards of the taxpayers’ resources, and fighters for their constituents. Several of our endorsed candidates from the March primary election have advanced to runoffs and have retrained our endorsements for the runoff elections.

Here is a recap of our Publisher’s Committee’s endorsements for the May 24 runoff election:

For races in which we have not yet endorsed, we retain the right to issue endorsements at a later date before the runoff election. If a candidate or campaign would like to be considered for our endorsement in a race in which we have not yet endorsed, please reach out via our contact page to set up an endorsement interview.

Now let’s go vote!

257 Potter County Voters Cast Ballots on First Day of Early Voting

Endorsement: Terry Wright for Randall County Commissioner