The Amarillo Pioneer

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Amarillo ISD Looks to Approve 2022/23 Budget During Special Meeting on Monday


The Amarillo Independent School District Board of Trustees will have a special meeting on Monday, June 20th. According to an agenda posted on the school district’s website, the meeting will mostly focus on finalizing and approving the budget for the district’s upcoming fiscal year.

According to a summary of the proposed budget released by the district, the upcoming budget is a slight decrease from the previous budget, with a total spending of about $319 million, compared to the previous budget’s $335 million.

Central Administration and Instructional Support are two categories where more money is budgeted in the 22/23 fiscal year proposed budget. Instruction, District Operations, Debt Service, and “Other” all have less money budgeted compared to the 21/22 fiscal year budget. The largest change is within the “Other” category, with just under $17 million less being spent on the “facilities acquisition and construction” subcategory.

The board meeting will feature a public hearing ahead of adoption of the budget. The meeting will also feature a “presentation regarding the temporary shoring project for Austin Middle School.”

The meeting will take place at 5:30 pm in the Board Room of the Rod Schroder Education Support Center on Interstate 40.

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