Nick Hearn (left) pictured with 2022 Libertarian gubernatorial candidate Mark Tippetts (right)/Photo via Nick Hearn campaign
Nick Hearn, a Libertarian from Dumas who previously ran against State Representative Four Price (R-Amarillo), will not make another bid for the seat in 2024.
“We will be moving out of the district at the end of this year,” Hearn told The Amarillo Pioneer. “So unfortunately I will not be running this election cycle.”
Hearn earned 12.9% of the vote in a two-way race against Price in 2022. Hearn ran on a platform supporting medical freedom, school choice, and the elimination of property taxes. Price is not seeking another term, leaving the seat open for the first time since 2010.
So far, medical negotiator Caroline Fairly and realtor Cindi Bulla have filed for the ballot in the Republican Party primary. Attorney Jesse Quackenbush has filed a treasurer appointment but has not yet filed for the ballot or publicly announced his candidacy. Potter County GOP Chairman Dan Rogers also filed a treasurer appointment but withdrew from the race before ballot filing began.
Unlike the Republican and Democratic parties, which hold primary elections to choose nominees, the Libertarian Party chooses its nominees by convention. The filing deadline for all candidates seeking a party nomination is December 11th.