The Amarillo Pioneer

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Amarillo City Council to Consider HOT Bond, Half Million in Spending

Amarillo City Hall | Photo by Noah Dawson

Amarillo City Council is set to meet on Tuesday, March 28th, at City Hall, to discuss approval of Hotel Occupancy Tax Revenue Bonds, adopting the City of Amarillo’s 5-year Community Investment Program, increasing happy hour golf pricing at municipal courses, as well as just over $500,000 in spending items.

According to the agenda posted for the meeting, all spending items are included as consent items, meaning all four may be approved with a single vote and no individual discussion. The largest of the items, 2K, would approve a $240,050.00 contract with OpenGov, Inc, to pay for a subscription for fleet asset management system software. A table breaking down all of the spending items is included at the end of this article.

The council will also discuss approving Hotel Occupancy Tax Revenue Bonds. According to the agenda packet, revenue for the bonds “will be used to pay for renovations required by Major League Baseball at the MPEV facility.” The memo for the item included in the packet did not include many details. However, a presentation by City of Amarillo CFO Laura Storrs and Steven Adams of Specialized Public Finance during a meeting last year noted that the proposed issuance was not included in the city’s annual budget and that the amount could be up to $3.5 million. Aside from the memo, no other attachments related to the item were included on the agenda packet. A screenshot of a slide from the presentation regarding the proposal from last year’s meeting is included below:

Via City of Amarillo

Another notable agenda item is a public hearing on and consideration of the adoption of the city’s 5-year Community Investment Program. An attached draft ordinance for the item references “the Proposed Community Investment Program for Fiscal Years 2022-2023 through 2026-2027, a copy of which is attached hereto.” No such document is included in the agenda packet.

The final item on the public portion of the meeting is an increase in Happy Hour Golf pricing at municipal courses. A screenshot of the proposed changes is included below:

Via City of Amarillo

Those interested in speaking at the meeting may sign up here beginning at 8:00 am on Sunday. A link to the full agenda packet is included at the end of this article.

Summary of spending items | Graphic by The Amarillo Pioneer

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