Amarillo City Hall | Photo by Noah Dawson
Amarillo City Council is scheduled to meet at 1:00 pm on Tuesday, March 14th to consider nearly $7 million in spending items.
The largest spending item on the agenda is item 3E, which includes a $3.75 million location incentive agreement between Plant-AS-DNPS-003-02 and Amarillo Economic Development Corporation, which is funded with tax dollars. In addition to a payment to the company, AEDC will also convey 400 acres of property valued at $4,800,000 to the company. The property is located East of Folsom Road and North of 24th Street. A related item 3F, will offer a tax abatement for the property. The proposed abatement will begin at 100% for the first year before decreasing by 10% per year over the next 10 years.
All other spending items on the agenda are included in the consent agenda, meaning they may all be approved by the council with a single vote. The item with the largest price tag on the consent agenda is item 2F, which will authorize the Heritage Hills Public Improvement District to give Tri-State General Contractors $1,184,380 for a construction contract for the PID’s Phase III improvements.
Another spending related item, item 3C, will authorize an allocation plan for American Rescue Plan Act funding, with $2,176,714 being allocated to supportive services and $384,126 being allocated to administration and planning. The item will include a public hearing.
A link to the full agenda packet and a table summarizing all spending items is included below. Those who wish to speak at the meeting may sign up by clicking this link.