The Amarillo Pioneer

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Mailers Supporting Crump and Massey Omit Disclaimer

Mailers supporting Crump, Massey | Photo by Noah Dawson

Two mailers, one supporting Katt Massey and one supporting Dean Crump, hit local mailboxes recently. While both use similar styles to previous mailers from each campaign, neither appears to include required disclaimers.

The mailer for Massey highlights her endorsement by the Amarillo Association of Reators and states that it is “time to SHAKE UP City Hall!” Massey, who served as assistant to Mayor Ginger Nelson and more recently was in charge of the city’s mural program, is running for Amarillo City Council Place 3. She is facing retired businessman Tom Scherlen and former professional motocross racer John Adair to replace retiring incumbent Eddy Sauer.

The mailer for Crump highlights his endorsement by the Amarillo Police Officers Association. Crump and his family won the mega-millions lottery in 2007. He is running for Amarillo City Council Place 1. Incumbent Cole Stanley is currently running for Mayor of Amarillo. Crump is facing local business owner Chip Hunt, pastor Margie Gonzales, firefighter Josh Craft, Amazon employee and actress Sherie Wood, and analyst Kelsey Richardson.

Other mailers from both Crump and Massey did include disclaimers.

The Texas Ethics Commission, which oversees campaign finance in the state, notes the following requirements:

A political advertising disclosure statement must contain the words “political advertising” or any recognizable abbreviation, and must:

(1) appear on one line of text or on successive lines of text on the face of the political advertising; or

(2) be clearly spoken in the political advertising if the political advertising does not include written text.

The disclosure statement must contain the full name of:

(1) the person who paid for the political advertising;

(2) the political committee authorizing the political advertising; or

(3) the candidate or specific-purpose committee supporting the candidate, if the political advertising is authorized by the candidate.

Early Voting will continue on Monday, May 1st and Tuesday, May 2nd. Election Day is Saturday, May 6th.

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