Kevin and Ginger Nelson/Photo by Campaign
Amarillo Mayor Ginger Nelson’s husband showed up on social media this week, blasting a candidate running for one of the five open seats on the Amarillo City Council this May.
In a social media comment made on a post by Place 3 candidate Tom Scherlen, Kevin Nelson took aim at the City Council contender for his contributions from local businessman Alex Fairly’s company, DealOn LLC. In his comment, Nelson accused Scherlen of having had Fairly bankroll “virtually all of the money” his campaign has raised.
“While you were pounding your chest about how independent you are, you took another $20,000 from Alex Fairly… If you are elected, it will have been with Alex’s money,” Nelson said.
Looking at Scherlen’s finance reports, the candidate has raised $64,275 so far for his campaign, as of the April 28th campaign finance filing. Deal On, LLC reported contributing $45,000 to Scherlen’s campaign.
Nelson went on to demand that Scherlen pledge to recuse himself on any vote that could come forward to the City Council that would involve any of Fairly’s companies.
The backlash to the First Gentleman’s comments was swift, as citizens called him out for not mentioning his wife’s alleged conflicts of interest. This is in line with criticisms of the Amarillo City Council during Nelson’s six-year run as mayor, as critics have alleged that she has voted in favor of several items that benefitted her husband’s business partners or her own campaign donors.
For example, Nelson voted in 2018 to approve the City of Amarillo’s purchase of a building that was offered for sale by McCartt & Associates, a company owned by one of Nelson’s husband’s business partners, Joe Bob McCartt. According to the Texas Comptroller’s Office, McCartt was also listed as a director on the company that owned the building.
Additionally, in 2017, Nelson voted to approve tax incentives for 79101 Properties, LP and 800 S. Polk, LP. Critics pointed out that 79101 Properties, LP listed Prana Gp as one of its managing partners. At the time, Prana Gp was partly managed by Alan Rhodes — another one of Nelson’s husband’s business partners.
A 2006 press release listed Rhodes, McCartt, and Nelson as business partners on Amarillo Commercial Group LP. In addition, 2016 reporting by the Lubbock Avalanche-Journal listed Rhodes and Nelson as partners in KAMP Hotels.
Nelson’s comments resembled comments made by his wife during the recent Amarillo City Council meeting on April 25, in which she questioned both Scherlen and Amarillo City Councilman Cole Stanley about their contributions. Nelson’s actions during the meeting have been widely condemned for having been politically motivated in an effort to discredit both Stanley and Scherlen’s candidacies.
Scherlen is facing two opponents in the upcoming May 6 local election — Katt Massey and John Adair. Meanwhile, Nelson’s wife is not seeking re-election, and six candidates, including Stanley, are running to replace her.
Early voting is ongoing.