The Amarillo Pioneer

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Poll: DeSantis Outperforming Trump in Texas Election Matchup

President Donald Trump and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis/Screenshots by Trump White House Archived YouTube and Governor Ron DeSantis YouTube

If the general election were held today, a new poll shows that Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis would start with a slightly larger lead over incumbent President Joe Biden, as compared to former President Donald Trump.

According to a new poll from CWS Research, in a hypothetical general election matchup, DeSantis would lead Biden, 44-40%. Meanwhile, Trump would still lead Biden, albeit by a smaller margin — 45-42%. The poll also found that DeSantis would perform slightly better than Trump among Republicans and independents, while Trump would outperform DeSantis among Democrats.

In both scenarios, a small number of voters would remain undecided — 5% between DeSantis and Biden and 3% between Trump and Biden.

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