We have asked candidates who advanced to the June 24th runoff to answer questions for our Voter Guide. While full responses are available here, we are offering you an excerpt in “Candidate Comparisons” ahead of the May 6 general election.
Each response below came directly from the candidate’s questionnaire and is unedited.
Les Simpson
Age: 58 | Occupation: Business owner
Why are you the best candidate for voters to support for this position?
Long-term community involvement, more than 20 years. Leadership and financial experience. An independent thinker who will listen to all sides, ask the tough questions and make the tough choices without being influenced by the loud voices.
Claudette Smith
Age: 36 | Occupation: Business owner
Why are you the best candidate for voters to support for this position?
For the past 7 years I have been fighting for transparency, accountability and fiscal responsibility in our local government as well as pursued several efforts at the legislative level. I am a civic leader who is of the highest character and integrity and have proven to the citizens of Amarillo that I am extremely knowledgeable and professional in all my undertakings.
I have proven that I am always willing to ask the tough questions and to hold the city accountable for every dollar spent. My work for the citizens has never stopped. I have continued to work from the side lines for the past 7 years and strongly feel my work would be much more effective if I were elected to serve on the Amarillo City Council in Place 4.
*Crump’s response is taken from the May 6th edition of our voter guide. While we reached out to all candidates to give them the opportunity to update their answers, Crump declined to do so.