Members of Amarillo City Council have taken to the Amarillo City Council Forum website to express their support for holding a joint meeting between Amarillo City Council, the Potter County Commissioners’ Court, and the Amarillo ISD Board of Trustees.
The meeting, proposed by Interim City Manager Andrew Freeman, would be modeled on a recently held joint meeting between Amarillo City Council and the Amarillo Economic Development Corporation Board of Directors. Freemen suggested the following topics for the meeting: “aging populations, declining birth rates, enrollment drops, and the ongoing development and employment efforts in Potter County.”
All members of Amarillo City Council, including Mayor Cole Stanley, expressed support for the proposal. Though no details have been given regarding when and where the meeting will take place, Freeman noted when making the initial proposal to the council that staff “will work on coordinating dates/times for this meeting with all parties involved” assuming “there is enough interest.”