The Amarillo Pioneer

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Airport Asks Travelers to Avoid Escalators 'When Possible'

Photo by Noah Dawson

According to a press release from The City of Amarillo, Rick Husband Amarillo International Airport has launched a new campaign promoting escalator safety.

According to the release, preventable escalator accidents “can cause injuries, disrupt travel plans and take equipment out of service.” The release also asks travelers “to use elevators instead of escalators when possible and to follow essential safety tips.”

Safety tips provided by the city include:

  • Watch the direction of the moving step. Step on and off with extra care.

  • Face forward and keep one hand free to firmly grip the handrail.

  • Always hold children’s hands and do not allow children to sit or play on or near the steps.

  • Do not take wheelchairs, electric scooters, strollers, hand carts, luggage carts or similar items on the escalator. If you have multiple bags, use the elevator.

  • Keep loose clothing clear of steps and sides.

  • Step on and off quickly and move away from the area to give those behind you more room (Senior citizens should pay particular attention to balance while getting on and getting off an escalator.)

  • In case of an accident, push one of the “stop” buttons located at the top and bottom of the escalator.

While the city did not provide a specific incident that triggered the program, the press release did reference “the rise in escalator-related accidents.”

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