The Amarillo Pioneer

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Senate Candidates Spar Over Cruz Loans

Candidates for U.S. Senate in 2018 have already begun sparring over a Federal Elections Commission decision today regarding Senator Ted Cruz's loans.

The FEC ruled today that Cruz did not properly disclose loans from Citigroup, Inc. and Goldman Sachs during his campaign in 2012. According to the Texas Tribune, the FEC ruled that Cruz did not properly disclose $1.1 million in loans during his campaign for Kay Bailey Hutchison's Senate seat in 2012. Cruz won that election, defeating Lt. Governor David Dewhurst in the Republican primary runoff and Democrat Paul Sadler in the general election.

Cruz's sole-Democratic challenger, Representative Beto O'Rourke, attacked Cruz over the decision, in a statement, saying, "If we can’t trust Ted Cruz to disclose who’s funding him, why should we trust him with representing Texans in the U.S. Senate?"

A spokesperson for Cruz told Fox News "These loans have been properly disclosed on the Senator’s public financial disclosure forms since day one, and we will now begin the process of amending how they are reported on the FEC reports now that the audit process has concluded."

House Session Ends with Scuffle

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