The Amarillo Pioneer

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House Session Ends with Scuffle

The 2017 Texas legislative session ended with a scuffle between State Representatives Matt Rinaldi (R-Irving) and Poncho Nevarez (D-Eagle Pass) on the House floor.

According to the Texas Tribune, the incident started when Rinaldi called ICE officials on protesters in the Capitol. Rinaldi said on Facebook that he called ICE officials because of protesters holding signs that said "I am illegal and here to stay."

When Rinaldi told other legislators that he called ICE, Nevarez grabbed Rinaldi. Rinaldi said that he was assaulted and had his life threatened. Nevarez said that he told Rinaldi to take his argument out of the chamber but that he did not intend to shoot Rinaldi.

According to accounts of other legislators involved, profane language was also used during the incident. Speaker Joe Straus released a statement in which he condemned "insensitive" and "disparaging" remarks on the House floor.

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