The Amarillo Pioneer

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APD Cautioning Residents Regarding Illegal Xanax Pills

The Amarillo Police Department is cautioning residents regarding illegal Xanax pills.

According to APD, officers are aware that people who are illegally manufacturing and selling these drugs are selling what appears to be commercially manufactured pills that may be contaminated with Fentanyl. Fentanyl is a powerful and highly addictive pain medication.

APD says that manufacturers are either intentionally or accidentally allowing contamination of pill pressing equipment that leads to Fentanyl content.

Locally, APD is investigating instances of use of pill illegally sold as Xanax but actually containing Xanax and Fentanyl or other drugs. APD says that parents should be aware that Xanax purchased off the street is a popular recreational drug and parents should make their children aware of the risk.

Although no deaths have been reported locally due to these dangerous drugs, APD says that that potential still exists.

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