The Amarillo Pioneer

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Favorabilty Ratings for Senate Candidates Measured

The Texas Tribune has released the results of its June poll, which included a question over the favorability ratings of Texas' Senate candidates.

According to the findings of the poll, Senator Ted Cruz was viewed more unfavorably by respondents than favorably. 45 percent of respondents viewed Cruz unfavorably, while 37 percent viewed him favorably. 18 percent of Texans did not know who Ted Cruz is or they had no opinion of Cruz.

For Democrat Beto O'Rourke, 18 percent of respondents viewed him favorably. 13 percent of respondents had an unfavorable view of O'Rourke. 70 percent of respondents did not know who O'Rourke is or did not have an opinion of the El Paso Democrat.

The poll also found that Texans currently approve of the job performance of Governor Greg Abbott. Respondents approve of Abbott by a 45 percent to 38 percent margin. Respondents did not view Lt. Governor Dan Patrick as favorably, giving him a 34 percent approval rating versus a 36 percent disapproval rating.

For more information about the poll, please visit

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