The Amarillo Pioneer

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Red Light Cameras: 49 Percent of Violation Events Never Lead to Citations

This is the third in a series of articles on red light cameras in Amarillo, Texas.

49 percent of incidents captured by red light cameras in Amarillo never lead to citations, according to records from the City of Amarillo.

According to records from the City of Amarillo, since January 1, 2014, 150,339 incidents have been captured by red light cameras in Amarillo. Of those incidents captured, 76,325 have led to the issuance of citations. This means that roughly 49 percent of incidents captured by municipal red light cameras in Amarillo never led to the issuance of a citation.

According to the Texas Department of Transportation, red light camera sensors pick up on violators who cross the intersection after the light has turned red. Depending on the type of camera being used, the violator could be shown entering the intersection and his progression could be shown through the intersection.

Of the 49 percent of citations issued, nearly 49 percent of those citations were rejected at a later date. This means that roughly 37,399 citations have actually been issued and accepted. This would amount to about 25 percent of red light camera citations in Amarillo being issued and accepted.

Red light camera contractual service fees have cost the City of Amarillo roughly $700,000 per year. With personnel fees and transfer fees included, the City of Amarillo has paid over $900,000 per year for the cameras.

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