The Amarillo Pioneer

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West Nile Hits Lubbock: First Case of 2018 Reported

The first case of West Nile Virus in Lubbock for the year has been reported.

This week, the Lubbock Health Department announced the first case of West Nile has been reported in the area. At this time, it is unclear where the virus was contracted and whether Lubbock mosquitoes were responsible.

West Nile Virus is spread by mosquito bites and cannot be spread human-to-human, officials say. Headache, fever, nausea and fatigue are some symptoms of West Nile Virus, although officials say a large number of people who are infected with the virus never show symptoms.

Since the report, mosquito control efforts have increased in Lubbock.

City Council May Assemble for Breakfast

Panhandle Salvage Expected to Close