The Amarillo Pioneer

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Amarillo Mayor Ginger Nelson Tests Positive for COVID-19

Nelson/Photo by Campaign

Nelson/Photo by Campaign

Amarillo Mayor Ginger Nelson announced during a press briefing on COVID-19 on Wednesday that both she and her husband have tested positive for the virus.

Nelson said during the briefing that after experiencing mild symptoms, her husband received a positive test for COVID-19, while her test came back negative after also experiencing mild symptoms. However, after a few days had passed, Nelson said her symptoms became more intense, which led her to take another COVID test, which came back positive.

“The Nelson family is quarantining for Thanksgiving,” Nelson said. “And we are resting and treating our symptoms and seem to be doing just fine.”

Nelson used her story as an example for why she believes families should be cautious about gathering for the Thanksgiving holiday.

“I want us to be extra cautious about being around our family members who might be compromised or being around our family members who might be older. You might think you’re fine, but the last thing I know any of us would want to do is put them in a position where they would get this virus and not be able to recover.”

New WTAMU Presidential Program Funding Projects, Internships

Texas A&M President Young Retiring on December 31st