Amarillo City Council is set to hold a closed door meeting about the Alex Fairly lawsuit regarding Civic Center renovation funding during their regular meeting on Tuesday.
According to an agenda posted by the city, the council will convene in an executive session at the end of the meeting to discuss several topics, including the Fairly lawsuit.
The lawsuit, originally filed by businessman Alex Fairly, challenged the city’s use of tax anticipation notes to fund improvements to the civic center. In the lawsuit, Fairly’s legal team alleged that the city was circumventing the will of voters, who had rejected a similar project in November 2020. Fairly’s team also argued that the agenda for the meeting did not satisfy notice requirements as laid out by the Texas Open Meetings Act. The trial in the lawsuit took place earlier this month, though, as of the time of writing, we are still awaiting Judge William Sowder’s decision. According to a release from Inspire Amarillo, a group associated with Fairly, that decision could come this week.
The city is also set to discuss a lawsuit regarding a firefighter workplace dispute. That lawsuit was lost by the city on appeal to the Texas Supreme Court late last month.
Also on the executive session portion of the agenda is a “request for Federal EB-s Loan Program Participation from Producer Owned Beef, LLC.”
Also on the agenda for Tuesday’s meeting is a $28 million contract for Western Builders to turn the Amarillo Hardware Building into a new City Hall, along with just over $2 million in other spending items, mostly related to Rick Husband International Airport. To read our full story on the spending items, click here.
The council will also consider several zoning changes, increased parking garage fees, economic incentives and tax abatements for Coast Packing South Company - South, and the creation of a Police Reserve Force. To read our full story summarizing the agenda, click here.
Photo via The City of Amarillo