The Amarillo Pioneer

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Craft & Simpson to Take Oaths of Office Wednesday

Amarillo City Hall/Photo by Noah Dawson

Councilmen-elect Josh Craft and Les Simpson are set to be sworn in during a special meeting of Amarillo City Council on Wednesday, officially ending an election season which began when former mayor Ginger Nelson announced she would not run for reelection last December.

The oaths of office will be given after a public comment period and the passing of a resolution officially canvassing the results of the June 24th runoff election, where Josh Craft was elected to Place 1 and Les Simpson was elected to Place 4.

Following the oaths of office, the first official item of business for the new council will be consideration of a resolution to further extend Mayor Cole Stanley’s disaster declaration. The declaration, which was issued in response to devastating floods, was originally signed by Stanley on June 1st before being extended for a 30 day period on June 8th. The draft resolution provided in the agenda packet would again extend the declaration by 30 days. If passed, the declaration, which is currently set to expire on July 8th, would instead end on August 4th.

No other further items are on the agenda, though there are a few notable items missing from the agenda. First, per a directive given by Mayor Cole Stanley at a workshop meeting held on Thursday, June 29th, the City Council Mission statement is no longer listed on the agenda. Also absent is an item for outgoing councilman Howard Smith to give remarks, as that was instead done during last week’s regular council meeting.

The meeting is scheduled to be held at 3:00 pm in the Council Chamber at Amarillo City Hall. The full agenda and agenda packet can be found at this link. Those wishing to speak during the meeting are encouraged to sign up at this link.

The full council is set to hold their first regular meeting the following week on Tuesday, July 11th. The following week after that meeting will be the budget workshop.

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