Please note: Over the next few days, the Amarillo Pioneer’s Editorial Board will be publishing recommendations for various races. In some races where multiple seats are up for grabs, recommendations may be spread out over several days. Please stay tuned to our website for recommendations and for a final list, which will be published next week.
Photo by Pexels
The Amarillo Pioneer Editorial Board recommends voting for David J. Schenck for Presiding Judge of the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals.
In Texas, the Court of Criminal Appeals is the highest appellate court for criminal matters. This year, all three seats up for election are vacant, meaning that voters will have three new judges on the court, regardless of how the general election goes.
In our view, this is a major reason why it is imperative that voters have a dedicated, experienced, conservative jurist leading the court. Former Justice David J. Schenck has the right experience to be a fair and confident leader of this important court.
Justice Schenck served on the Fifth Court of Appeals in Dallas, where he heard both civil and criminal cases. Schenck was elected as a Republican in Dallas – a difficult feat – in 2016 and left the bench in 2022 to run for a seat on the Texas Supreme Court. Since leaving office, Schenck has worked as a civil litigation attorney.
Schenck’s opponent is Democrat Holly Taylor, a prosecutor from Travis County. In her current role, Taylor oversees Travis County’s public integrity and complex crimes division. Taylor is also a political newcomer, having never sought statewide office before.
On paper, both candidates are qualified for the bench. However, Schenck has proven his dedication to working for every Texan, having visited almost every part of the state – including the Panhandle – on his campaign tour. In addition, his commitment to removing partisanship from the court’s rulings and his strong record of experience as an appellate justice make him stand out in this race.
For these reasons, Schenck is the right candidate for Texas voters to back.
Please note: An editorial board recommendation does not necessarily represent the views or opinions of the Amarillo Pioneer’s advertisers or staff. A recommendation of one candidate does not represent a criticism of other candidates running unless otherwise stated. Recommendations may be offered in additional races.