Smithee/Photo by Noah Dawson
The following Letter to the Editor was written by Dr. Holly Jeffries
As a key component of the state’s legislative branch, members of the Texas House of Representatives are vital to our success as a state, region, district, and community. One hundred and fifty members elected by Texans gather at our state capital every two years to represent the needs of their districts with a collective purpose of solving problems and creating greater opportunities for all Texans. State Representatives best serve constituents and fulfill their legislative duties when they possess essential characteristics crucial to the responsibilities of the role. While opinion may vary on what characteristics constitute the best makings of a State Representative, the essential and necessary characteristics include servant leadership, dedication to public service, stellar communication skills, unwavering integrity and ethics, innovative problem-solving skills, genuine respect and empathy for all, and adaptability in times of emerging priorities.
At times, house representatives in other regions have failed to embrace the necessary characteristics creating a negative impact for their district and our state. Fortunately for the Texas Panhandle that has not been the case for our districts as Representative Price from the 87th District and Representative Smithee in the 86th District have not only demonstrated the essential characteristics of what a true legislator should be, but together have consistently added tremendous value to the Texas Panhandle and the state of Texas. In fact, the value added has been so great and so consistent over the years that we as constituents have become somewhat complacent taking for granted the work our State Representatives do for us and the value and honor they have brought to our region.
This could not be better demonstrated than in a recent speech by Representative Smithee on the house floor. While other Representatives formed decisions based on the emotions and slant of the majority, Representative Smithee took the time to research and understand the issue before making an informed decision. Despite potential political consequences, Representative Smithee boldly and accurately shared his findings because it was the right thing to do. His actions demonstrated his commitment to the values of the Texas Panhandle and brought considerable honor to our region.
While we consider the Texas Panhandle the best place on earth to live and work and raise our families, other members of the house see their district in a similar manner and often dismiss the unique concerns of the Texas Panhandle. A successful approach to counteracting our small representation is two-fold. Our delegation historically pulls together for the greater good of the area, as well as each member of the delegation strives to pursue expertise and excellence in service while simultaneously growing in seniority.
The Panhandle delegation has always worked together accomplishing more for our region together than each could individually, all the while gradually earning respect and building significance and seniority in the house. Recently, things have changed. Senator Sparks has completed his first session and in the future absence of Representative Price, District 87 will have a freshman moving into the role as well. No disrespect intended for the other candidate in District 86, but right now, the Texas Panhandle’s greatest need is to embrace a Senior Representative with proven integrity, leadership, and commitment to our region. We need a Representative who is solid in legislative institutional knowledge and experience, articulate in advocating for our regional needs, and stellar in problem solving, relationship building and prioritizing concerns. We need a Representative who exhibits genuine concern and respect for the values and the people of the Texas Panhandle. Representative John Smithee has consistently brought honor and value to our region by demonstrating the essential characteristics of a true legislative leader. The Texas Panhandle needs Representative Smithee to share his experience and expertise and serve as a mentor to our incoming 87th District delegation member. The Texas House needs Representative Smithee’s experience and integrity to lead the house in facilitating collaboration amongst members, and District 86 needs Representative John Smithee to proudly represent us yet again in the Texas House.