The Amarillo Pioneer

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Fifteen File for City Ballot

With several last minute fillings, Amarillo voters now have the final list of who's running in the upcoming May city election.

Running for Mayor is incumbent Cole Stanley, who is being challenged by Jason Herrick, Misty DeAnn Collier, and Luke Johnson Marek. Both Stanley and Marek filed on Friday, the last day to file.

In Place One, the candidates are Patrick Miller, Sherie Wood, Tim Reid, and Wendy K Flores. Flores filed on the deadline. Incumbent Josh Craft is not seeking a second term.

In Place Two, the only candidate to have filed for a place on the ballot is incumbent Don Tipps. This will mark the first time in over a decade that an election for Amarillo City Council will not feature a challenger on the ballot.

The candidates for Place Three are incumbent Tom Scherlen, as well as challengers David Prescott and Nune Perez. Perez filed on the deadline.

Finally, Place Four’s race will include incumbent Les Simpson, as well as challengers Leif Kertis and Sylvia Elaine Stephens. Both Kertis and Stephens filed on the deadline, with Kertis having previously filed for Place One before moving to Place Four.

The deadline to file as a write in is February 18th. A drawing for the ballot order will occur on February 20th. Election Day will be May 3rd.

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Mayor Cole Stanley Seeking Second Term