The Amarillo Pioneer

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Two-Day Filing Period Opening for Oklahoma Presidential Primary

Photo by Pixabay

By the end of the day on Wednesday, voters in Oklahoma will know which presidential candidates will be vying for their votes in next year’s presidential primary election.

According to the Oklahoma Secretary of State, ballot filing begins Monday for Oklahoma’s 2024 presidential preference primary. Candidates running for the presidential nominations of qualified political parties can qualify for the Oklahoma primary ballot by submitting their application and a check for $5,000, or by turning in a petition in lieu of a filing fee. Petitions must be signed by 1% of voters in each of the state’s congressional districts or by 1,000 voters in each district, whichever is less. Only candidates for the Republican, Democratic, and Libertarian parties will be eligible to file for the primary ballot.

Candidate filing will close at 5pm on Wednesday, December 6.

The primary election will be held on Tuesday, March 5, 2024.

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